Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Winter Break Work Fiesta

Yay! I figured things out far enough to make my first post! And just in time for winter break!

Here's the assignment with the links you'll need to have completed by lunes, el 4 de enero
(January 4th.)

Winter Break youtube fiesta!!!!!
I expect you to watch each of these videos on the list, and complete the worksheet. I made this for you as a study guide in preparation for the QUIZ el lunes (el cuatro de enero) Jan. 4th.
Don’t have access to the internet at home? Bummer. Go to the library. Go to a friend’s house (maybe a friend in one of my classes and work together).

Youtube search: “telling time in spanish- explanation senor Jordan”    (5:51 min)
1.       Throughout the video, what color are the hours written in? _________________ How about the minutes? ____________________
2.       How do we say, ‘in the early morning’ in Spanish? ______________________________________
3.       What color were those phrases written in?______________________________
4.       Can we still use AM and PM when telling time in Spanish? Why, why not? ___________________________________________________________
5.       True/false: this is how we say, it’s 4: 35 – Son las cuatro y media y cinco.

Youtube search : ‘telling time in Spanish basho and friends”   (2:32)
1.       Fill in the blanks!
a.       “es la una, son las dos, digo ___________ y ___________. Son las tres y ___________, son las cuatro y ____________. Son las cinco menos veinte, ________________________ otra vez.

Youtube search: “que hora es haylee roy”  (3:09) She’s a spanish teacher!!
1.       What song is it a parody of? ______________________________
2.       “If it’s 10 till 2, here’s what you’ll do, say ___________________________ menos ______________”.
3.       “Like in the morning, afternoon, or night here’s what you’ll say: _______________________________, _______________________________________, lastly ______________________________________.
4.       At what time =  _________________________________.

Youtube search: “que hora es? Learn spanish with fresh spanish” (4:33)
1.       This guy speaking has an accent from Spain. Enjoy and notice the difference!
2.       What are the two ways to ask time? _________________________________    ___________________________________.
3.       What does ‘en punto’ mean? He never defines it, can you figure it out? _________________________________.
4.       How does he say:
a.        12:35? ______________________________________________________________________.
b.      12:40? ______________________________________________________________________.
c.       12:45? ______________________________________________________________________.
d.      12:50? ______________________________________________________________________.
e.       12:55? ______________________________________________________________________.
5.       Pause it when he shows the yellow clock. This is a GREAT visual. Soak it in. What are three tips/hints on the clock you notice?
a.       ______________________________________________________________________.
b.      ______________________________________________________________________.
c.       ______________________________________________________________________.
6.       There are two military times listed in the review. Write the military time and the standard equivalent.
a.       Military ________________ standard____________________
b.      Military ________________ standard____________________
Recap- Which video was most helpful? Why? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Did you surf into any other videos and like them? Which ones? Should I Show the class? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

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